On a train from Kyiv to Lviv

I forget one thing about trains, but as soon as enter the cabin the thing catches me by surprise.

Anton Kutselyk
5 min readSep 20, 2022

A train starts off, slowly, but with confidence, it secures the necessary speed — which plateaus at around 150 km/h. From slow to fast, in a matter of minutes. Kyiv-Pasazhyrskyi railway station is a rifle, and a few moments ago, a huge grey bullet carrying me inside left its barrel — it flies, fast, in the direction of the next station. Upon reaching it, the bullet will stop and repeat the cycle. This way it moves — a journey of interchanging beginnings and endings.

A train is…slow and a train is fast — it’s hours of thrilling fastness that run by like seconds, and minutes of excruciating slowness that go on forever.

While the train was still still, I had the pleasure of looking at a cat. It was a cute, white, furry cat, and it was trying to get out of its cat bag. A naughty child is eager to explore a new space. Then, the cat’s mama moved to a seat by a window and dragged her feline out of my sight.

Now, when we’re on the move, another cat sits right in front of me. The cat is also a human. The cat is also a boy. He’s as cute as the cat that preceded him, only he’s black-haired, not furry, and his mama is absent. The boy is escorted by two girlfriends. The…



Anton Kutselyk

I live in Kyiv and write about everything I see: culture, life, war and signs of inevitable peace.