12 books I’ve read since quitting my Medium job

I’m slowly finding a familiar pace through thick, white papers.

Anton Kutselyk
8 min readJul 15, 2024


When I was leaving my job as a Content Curator at Medium, I wanted to get back to reading as soon as possible. This is strange because all I had to do at my job was to read. Reading hundreds of stories on Medium every day wasn’t the type of reading I associated with pleasure and enjoyment. It was work — sometimes hard, sometimes laborious, sometimes enlightening, but too often draining and taxing. After five years of reading, I had to quit reading.

Once I was out, it took me some time to regain my other reading routine. Months later, I can finally sense how my hands are finding the familiar pace and tact through thick, white papers of different book covers. It’s paper and that’s what I enjoy the most. I have a Kindle but I can’t and I don’t want to read electronic books. With so many devices in my life, I want to keep my reading traditional and tactile. I need to feel the unique heaviness of every printed book I hold. On Kindle, they all feel the same.

Does it mean I’m putting together a personal adult library?


With the war, it’s almost impossible to make long-term plans, and home libraries aren’t built overnight.

Whatever it is, I’m happy to share these 12 books I read in the last four months.




Anton Kutselyk

I'm a law graduate living in Kyiv and writing about local culture, life, war and signs of inevitable peace.