I wouldn't underestimate the importance of helping Ukraine today. Ukraine is the final bridge between Europe and Russia. The country has made a concious choice about its historical direction, and If it manages to win this war, Russian authoritarian regime is likely to fall apart and a democratic, pro-European one might come instead. This will bring much needed stability to Europe and decrease rising far-riight sentiments there. Not mentioning that arming Ukraine will help to save thousands of people from Russian aggression, if it's not too late. However, if Russia wins, it will drag Ukraine back into this Medieval logic and set a precedent that military power is the only thing you need today to spread your influence and more countries will follow this example, this will result in even more deaths in Europe and beyond. I mean, yes, war is a great failure, and the West is many ways responsible for what's happening, but today only Ukraine can stop, and if the West won't help, it will only get worse.