Member-only story
Where does your tiredness live?
Mine lives in and around my big, brown, owl-like eyes
My eyes are heavy, shaky, hot and covered in small invisible pieces of sand — that’s how tired feels to me. It lives inside my eyeballs, in dark circular bags underneath and on my hairy, sometimes red eyebrows. It lives in and around my big, brown, owl-like eyes.
I can’t just shake it off.
If eyes are the mirror to the soul, then my soul is always wide open, on full display for those who find a minute to search for a reflection of it. Having eyes as big as mine is a curious life situation — you can see people very well and… you can hardly hide yourself from others, they see you very well too. Not many do look, however — an eye contact that lasts more than a moment is a rare occurrence.
If you were to gaze into my eyes today, you’d see that my soul is tired.
Why am I tired?
The cause is almost too simple and obvious: the lack of light, in both physical and psychological spaces. My eyes like and require light to feel alive and energised. Sadly, light has become a scarce resource. Dark times are behind and, I’m afraid, before my eyes. They hurt in anticipation.